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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pengurusan Masa Berkesan

Ini adalah ucapan CEO Tn Hj Mohd Fuad Bahari semasa Perhimpunan Bulanan Kolej pada Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009.
Syabas!! Kerana berjaya memasuki KDH. Berjaya memasuki IPT tidak bererti apa-apa jika anda kecundang di tengah jalan. Malahan mereka yang berjaya tetapi sekadar cukup makan mungkin juga akan kecewa kerana tidak memperolehi kerja yang sesuai.
Pelajar-pelajar yang cemerlang ialah mereka yang mempunyai sikap positif, berdisiplin, mempunyai personaliti yang disegani, berpengetahuan dalam [dalam bidang khusus dan umum] berkemahiran [belajar/berkerja, mengurus masa, memimpin, berpersatuan] dan berketerampilan [serba boleh].
Dalam lain perkataan pelajar/pekerja yang cemerlang ialah mereka yang dapat mengurus potensi diri [kekuatan dan kelemahan diri] serta sumber di sekelilingnya [asrama,kolej dan luar kolej] dengan sebaik mungkin [berkesan].
-Cemerlang dengan pengurusan masa
Kecemerlangan memerlukan masa. Dalam Islam, masa bukan emas,tetapi nyawa dan kehidupan yang apabila terbuang/ hilang ia tidak dapat diganti. Justeru manusia yang tidak mahir mengurus masa akan mensia-siakan masa mereka atau dalam erti kata lain menghargai hidup atau nyawa.
- Rasulullah saw apabila ditanya oleh Abu Zar mengenai pengurusan masa, baginda menjawab agar membahagikan masa pada 4 bahagian:-
1.bermunajat pada tuhan [berdoa, berzikir dan bersembahyang]
2.muhasabah diri [mengaudit diri]
3.bertafakur tentang penciptaan Allah
4.mencari keperluan makan minum
Tiga perkara yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan masa
1.Menjauhi perkara yang sia-sia.
Surah al-Mukminun ayat 3 yang bermaksud:"diantara sifat orang mukmin yang berjaya adalah mereka yang berpaling dari melakukan perkara yang sia-sia". 24 jam adalah hadiah. Dalam Ihya Ulumuddin, bab bahaya lidah, imam Ghazali berkata:"modal bagi seorang hamba Allah ialah waktunya. Jika dia gunakan waktu itu pada perkara yang tidak diperlukan dan tidak digunakan untuk mencari pahala akhirat, dia telah mensia-siakan modalnya" orang yang berjaya adalah orang yang mampu mengisi 24 jam itu dengan perkara-perkara yang bermanfaat. suka menangguh kerja adalah penyakit yang sering menyerang golongan yang gagal. Bagi mereka esok pasti datang- jadi tidak salah jika menanti esok.
2. Menentukan keutamaan
Masa dapat diurus dengan baik apabila kita mengetahui keutamaan. umat islam dididik mementingkan keutamaan melalui kaedah antaranya hukum hakam taklifi- wajib, sunat, harus, haram dan makhruh.
Tidak boleh mengutamakan yang sunat dan mengabaikan yang wajib-perlaku tersebut berdosa kerana tersalah keutamaan.
Islam juga membicarakan tentang keutamaan melalui Fiqh al-Awlawiyat. mengikut Dr.Yusuf Qardawi "sesiapa yang mengamati gerak kehidupan di sekeliling kita [aspek kerohanian,kebendaan,cara fikir,sosial,ekonomi,politik dsb] akan mendapati asas dan nilai keutamaan yang digunakan pada hari ini sudah rapuh, pincang dan tidak seimbang lagi. Aktiviti kesenian/hiburan lebih diutamakan dari aktiviti yang memberi pengetahuan/pendidikan. kegiatan muda/belia lebih memfokuskan kepada riadah badan mengatasi riadah akal fikiran. Golongan yang disanjung dalam masyarakat bukan lagi alim ulama, cendekiawan dan ilmuan tetapi artis, seniman, bintang filem/ bola sepak dsb.
Sebenarnya ilmu pengetahuanlah yang dapat menolong seseorang membezakan antara perbuatan yang benar dan salah, yang disuruh dan yang bidaah

Anak Presiden Genius

* Artikel ini didapati dari salah satu majalah keluaran MARA. Pelajar yang diinterview adalah anak Dato'Dr Siddiq Fadzil , Presiden Kolej kita yang tercinta.

Sory, artikel ini dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

The one in a million

HI Hamad!

Congratulations Hammad for your success! You are such as a diamond among the stars! I know you for times but it is never more than that. Tell me more about you Hammad. Please Introduce yourself briefly, what was your former school and are you JPA or MARA scholar?

I’m the youngest of seven siblings, and my parents are Dato’ Dr Sidek Fadzil & Datin Dr Siti Zalikhah Md Nor, both of whom are lecturers. I went to private school, that is SERI/SEMI ABIM from 1996-2004, and then after PMR I went to SMK Jalan Tiga in Bandar Baru Bangi for a little while. Next, I sat for my SPM in SMKA Maahad Hamidiah Kajang, and finally ,MCB. MCB is where I first set foot in a hostel. Anyway,once I got my SPM results, I applied for a JPA sponsorship right away, so that’s what brought me to MCB.

2. What is your philosophy in life? Do you have any idols in life?

I think my philosophy in my life is weel summarized by Hassan Al-Basri (an 8th century theologian) whose words were; “The world is three days; As for yesterday,it has vanished,along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow,you may never see it. As for today, it is yours,so work in it. “I know it sounds a little like what the old turtle said in Kung Fu Panda! As my idols, I admire people who come up with great ideas and put their best foot forward to make it happen-people like Dr Gro Harlem Bruntland, Muhammad Yunus and Shirin Ebadi.

3. To be frank with you,when your name was listed for the 45 points achievers, some seniors and juniors were very surprised to hear your name. some even said “Who’s Hammmad?”. Is it true that you never been in any honour roll? Would you like to elaborate more? Actually, even I myself was surprised! I wasn’’t really hoping to get 45, but I think the crowd reaction is somehow predictable. I have never really been in the limelight back in MCB, so I guess it’s normal for people to overlook me. However, I was in the honour ilst every semester, but I only went to the ceremony once,and that is during my 1st semester. We didn’t really know each other back then,so I guess nobody noticed my presence. I was sick during the second one, and as for the third semester, while all the honour students were admiring their honour rolls and enjoying the complementary spaghetti that comes with thrm, I was nervously shivering before my Cardiff University interviews. Perhaps that is why people think that I have never been in the honour lists!

4. Owh! So are you saying you always scored 40 and above in every semester?

No every semester, because I only got 37 points for my 2nd semester,which I blame entirely on my poor time-management skill!

5. Why Cardiff? What are your four choices to be exact?

I make my decisions based on many aspects, such as the structure of the programme, the facilities,and the rankings. I chose Bristol, Cardiff and QMUL because they come in a combo, and I added Edinburgh to the combo because they don’t interview their applicants (interviews re tiring!). I was lucky enough to get positive replies from all four universities, so buy the time I stepped into the examination hall I knew the only thing left for me to do is to fulfil their requirements.

6. We are informed that you are the only one who score all 7s and As for your TOK and EE. How did you do that?

For the IAs, TOK and EE I invested a lot of time in planning and reading background materials. I had a good working relationship with my EE advisor (Pn. Roslinah) as well as my TOK teacher (Ms. Tik), they’re very helpful,so I knew I was in good hands. Meanwhile,as for the 7s,one thing that I consistently did was pay full attention in class. I’m not the kind student who enjoys burning the midnight oil. So I had to pay attention in class,and ask a lot of questions. The IRP helped a lot as well, and I am grateful to have 4 dedicated team members sent from above to help me out. The most important part of all, at the beginning of each semester,make sure you get the front seat! It’s the ultimate recipe,believe me.

7. What do you feel of getting perfect 45?

My feeling is beyond description,knowing that all my close friends scored hing points is even more exciting, because I know I’m not the only one celebrating. After all the hard work paid off, there is this overwhelming feeling of gratefulness that I wish to share with everyone-God, my family, the teachers, my friends,and even my GDC.

8. You must have butterflies in your stomach before getting your result, right? Or you just knew you would get it?

(laughing) To tell you the truth, I was not expecting it. I woke up in the morning with an SMS in my inbox saying that I got 45 points., but I thought it was a joke so I just lept it off. Then came a message from Ms.Nazliah, my beloved English teacher who played a prank on me by saying that I got 38 points….when more SMSes came in and congratulated me for t9he 45 points, I just brushed it off, and I did that for the next 6 hours. So, after looking at the result with my own eyes, it did give me a pleasant heart attack.

9. How would you describe yourself?

I live a simple life, I’m passionate about everyting I do, but I can be a bit stubborn at times. I’m a gadget freak,and some people say that I’m a clean freak.

10. What was your first impression on MCB during your registration day in semester 1?

I spent my whole day reading the countless motivational quotes on the walls. And there was this group of seniors telling me how impossible maths is, and those things really haunted me for the next two years.

11. How did you manage your time well in MCB?

I didn’t. Haha, if there is anything that I can change, it’d probably be the way I handled my schedule. I’m a morning person. So, unlike the Duracell bunny. I had to take a nap in the afternoon or I’ll be a zombie for the rest of day. At night, I was forced by common sense to retire to bed early so that I won’t doze off in class the morning after. Yes, I slept a lot, and I’m not pround of that. If you are experiencing the same symptom, stop now, if you do not wish to work extra hard during your final semester.

12. How do you study? Do you prefer ……………..?

Frankly,I don’t really think that there is anything special about the way I study. But I do like to do it in a group, because I tend to lose my focus if I do it alone. The internet, your Maggi stockpile, old newspaper – in fact anything can become a distraction if you’re alone. I also woke up early and went to class at 7.15 a.m. because I think my brain works better in the morning, so I just had to take advantage of it. In the early stages I preferred to do it in my room, but once the IRP session started it’s mostly done in the LRC. Anyhow, I hate studying in the LRC’s lower floor because I know I’ll end up reading something else!

13. ………………………………………………….

No, the last thing you’d want to call me is ‘math genius’. I got 5 for maths persistently for the semester exams. But I guess the remorse came a bit later. It was only during my fourth semester that I really begin to realize that I needed to change. Actually the sooner you begin to accept the fact that you have a problem, the sooner you’ll be able to rectify it. And trust me, the tutorials are in your handbooks for a reason. In a sense, I think my maths teacher (Pn. Badriyah) was not kidding when she said ‘’Maths is life’’. Just like life, it can be an ordeal, but if you really want to get to the top, the only was is to work hard. One of the most memorable things about maths is how my IRP group would meet up at 7.15 am every morning to finish our toturials!

14. ……………………………………………………………..

Music or naps? Both, actually. I doze off with my earphones on! And I enjoy reading non-fictional books,especially biographies. There are many great books in the LRC,waiting to be discovered.

15. ………………………………………………….

My close friends will probably scream their heads off if they read this, really. I’m not anti-social or anything. But I can be a bit reclusive at times. I’ve only been on the stage once,and that was for only 2 seconds. So in the public eye, I may be shy,but in real life, I talk a lot, participate in class discussions,crack joke,go back every weeked (thank god home is only 30 minutes away) and do things that other people do. Trust me!

16. ……………………………………………………..

I’ve been in the debate team, performed in a play one or two times, played chess,entered a lot of quizzes, but I’ve never really won anything big,never.

17. ………………………………………………………..

I’m not really the thrill-seeking type. I spend most of my time reading newas magazines and online news portals,which some people may find a bit creepy. I also love music, photography, and everything else that involves less “thrill” because it’s the last thing you need after a busy day.

18. ………………………………………………..

I do things like joining greenpeace international,spending my allowances on gadgets. So in way I do find my interests tilting a tad to the nerdy side. If that constitutes me as being a nerd,then be it. Call me whatever you want, but just let me enjoy my life the way I want?

19. ………………………………………………..

In a way, because the IB is a well-balanced program. Of course it’s a little tiring, but if you’re really passionate about it., at the end of the two years. You’ll miss it. I never really through that learning Malay literature can be so much fun (thanks to Pn Hasni)

Yes! When I got back from my Bristol interview. I bumped into my EE advisor (Pn. Roslinah), we talked and she gave me some words of encouragement and added. “we have faith in you” that moment. I realized that I just needed to do something to make the teacher proud, and who can forget the words of encouragements that my classmates and I got from our class teachers when we had lunch together for the last time!

Where are you heading after this? Which university? What is your future to be specialist?

God willing,I’ll be heading to the university of Edinburgh, in Scotland.,the UK. I hope to become an orthopaedic surgeon but like I said, I try to focus my attention on ‘today’ and not worry too much about the future. Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero! (seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow)

What do you think of the teachers. Administration and juniors? Any rooms of improvements? ………..?
I think it’s a little unfair for people to congratulate me without congratulating my teachers… they are the ones who helped to make this possible,after for my juniors. Never procrastinate! (I know it’s a cliché but it’s a cliché because it’s TRUE) and know that you have been paced under the guidance of possibly the most dedicated group of teachers,now it is your job to make then proud! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my teachers (Pn. Bad, Pn hasni,Ms.Nazliah, Pn.Asima,Pn Zaiton, stats supremo Mr Badar,Ustazah Mardiyah,and Ms Tik) my EE advisor Pn Roslinah, my mentor Mr Hafizi, the lab assistants under whose noses I finished my EE, and all the staff who made this happen.

Thank you Hammad for you kind advices and thoughts. May you have a bright future undertakings and all the best. As what everyone keep telling you. All of us here will always have faith in you? He is the perfect Hammad who scored 45 and unique in his own way.the flying colours result made him a part of history Hammad and the perfect 45 scorer.